• Charge Identified
    Charge Found on November 21, 2022


PNP, or Pre-Authorized Payment, is a service offered by some banks and financial institutions that allows customers to have their bill payments automatically deducted from their account on a regular basis. Typically, customers will provide their bank account information to the company they wish to pay, and the company will then deduct the required amount from the customer's account on a predetermined date. While this can be a convenient way to ensure that bills are paid on time, it is important to be aware of any fees associated with the service. In some cases, there may be a monthly charge for using PNP, or the company may charge a per-transaction fee. Additionally, customers should be sure to keep enough money in their account to cover the payments, as bounced-check fees can add up quickly. By understanding the terms and conditions of PNP services, customers can help to avoid unexpected charges and keep their finances on track.


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